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学前教育 at Eastern Christian School

Meeting each child where they are.

当你的孩子接近学前班时,你可能既兴奋又紧张. 学前教育 means 你r child will learn new skills, 交朋友, 和 establish an early academic foundation. 作为家长, 你 know these early years are about so much more than kindergarten-readiness; it’s also a time for instilling in 你r child the confidence 和 security needed to be successful inside 和 outside the classroom

新葡京app的学前教育计划是为了让小学习者成为上帝创造的独特个体. 通过个性化的关注和适合发展的内容和活动, we meet each of our preschoolers where they are, guiding them as they learn, 成长, 祈祷, 和玩耍.

To get the best feel of Eastern Christian School’s early childhood program, we encourage 你 to schedule a campus visit.

游戏为主. 将其人化的. 

The learning environment at Eastern Christian School

We believe in a strong partnership between school 和 home. Prior to 你r child’s first day of preschool, 你’ll meet with their teacher for a listening conference, 让我们有机会从最了解你孩子的人那里了解你的孩子 . 我们将满足, 至少, 全年再进行两次,以确保我们对孩子的发展和进步有一致的看法.

Inside our preschool classrooms, 你 will find:  

  • 细心关注您孩子的成长和学习,确保您的孩子在正确的时间学习正确的材料. Teachers track student development through the research-based tool Gold Objectives for Development 和 Learning, 和 share findings with 你 through biannual reports.
  • 无技术区:我们了解幼儿通过操作具体材料学习效果最好,因此根据大量数据显示,这个年龄段的学生学习的最佳方式,我们保持幼儿园教室无屏幕. 
  • 小班教学:我们希望我们最小的学习者感受到关心和了解, which is why our student-to-teacher ratios stay low: pre-K3 is 8:1, pre-K4 和 transitional kindergarten are 10:1.

我们的 米德兰公园, 新泽西, preschool 和 elementary campus features an outdoor play area, a gymnasium, 和 a media center.


很难知道全天还是半天的课程最适合你孩子的发展需要. 新葡京app提供这两种选择,为那些希望每周安排半天和全天的家长提供更大的灵活性.

全天:早上8:30.m. – 2:45 p.m.

半日制:上午8:30.m. – 11:30 a.m.


  • 4月1日2岁 
  • 每周2天- T/Th
  • 每周三天- M/W/F
  • 每周5天 

一天s can be full- or half-day 


  • 4月1日3岁 
  • 每周3天 
  • 每周四天
  • 每周5天 

一天s can be full- or half-day 
父母 can select days of the week

Transitional 幼儿园

  • 4月1日满4岁 
  • 每周5天

一天s can be full- or half-day

我们的全日制学生享受上午的学习和乐趣在他们的教室, 与朋友共进午餐, opportunities for rest 和玩耍, 和 additional teacher-led 活动 in the afternoon. 

半日学前班的学生与全日学前班的学生接触到相同的核心课程, 促进核心学科领域的幼儿园准备和熟练程度.

Before 和 课后照顾

我们的课前和课后课程为孩子们提供了额外活动的机会——既有结构化的,也有以游戏为基础的. 我们的 在上学前 节目早上7点开始.m. 俱乐部 从下午2:45开始供应吗.m. – 4:15 p.m. 和 后护理 is available until 6:00 p.m.

Not sure which class 你r child would be eligible for? 点击这里寻找答案.

Complete this simple form to find out class eligibility for 你r child. 


Is 你r child ready for success in preschool?


“We feel so blessed to be part of a 将其人化的 learning community. 我们数不清有多少次在思考EC是如何为我们的女儿强化正面价值观的. We truly feel the home, church 和 school are connected. 她每天回家,与我们和她的弟弟分享她的“EC冒险”. He’s so excited to start this year. At EC we feel confident leaving our most precious gifts with 老师, 工作人员, 和 volunteers who care about all aspects of their development. 




我们的老师是高素质的专业人士和经过认证的教育工作者,他们有意设计体验和环境,支持每个学生在游戏中成长和发展. In addition to the more traditional tools of the preschool classroom, 比如积木, 教具, 书, 纸, 和蜡笔, 学生通过创造性地使用剃须膏获得对内容的理解, 用手指画, 黏液, Oobleck, 熟意大利面, 和 lots of other materials!

我们经验丰富的教育工作者通过不同的学习中心设计有趣和引人入胜的体验,帮助学生更好地理解材料, 煽动创造力, 和 practice their gross 和 fine motor skills. 学龄前儿童每天早上花一个小时探索学习中心,下午再花一个小时. 中心包括:

数学- - - - - - 小学习者在操作材料和练习数数的过程中形成对数学概念的理解, 添加, ,减去. They identify patterns, shapes, 和 numbers. 

阅读 & 写作-  学生在学习写作的过程中有目的地探索字母和发音, 跟踪, 复制, 画, 和阅读. 

科学 & 社会研究—— 简单的动手实验,以及检查现实世界的对象,帮助学生学会观察, 预测, 分类, 比较, 和问题. 

块, Size, shape, 和 space are all explored through play with blocks.

艺术- - - - - - 学生可以创造性地表达自己的感受和想法,同时参与精细和粗大的运动技能. 

〇感官探索 像分类和测量这样的动手活动有助于加强词汇和精细运动技能.  

〇话剧  从社交技巧到解决问题,学生们的想象力被激发了.

Additional areas of study 和 活动 include:

  • 圣经
  • H和writing Without Tears
  • P.E.
  • 音乐
  • 艺术
  • 图书馆

A Developmentally-Appropriate Approach 

Every child matures at their own pace — physically, 社会, 在情感上, 智力, 和精神上. Teachers identify 和 support each child’s 成长th, tailoring experiences 和 expectations accordingly. 通过故事, 活动, 和玩耍, 教师有意地支持每个学生调节自己情绪和行为的能力, establish 和 sustain positive relationships, 和 participate cooperatively 和 constructively in group 活动.

Christ-Centered Community

即使是我们新葡京app最小的学生也会参加圣经课, 敬拜, 每天祈祷. All areas of instruction are approached through a biblical worldview. 我们的老师是信徒,他们在课堂内外都是基督徒行为的榜样,锻炼他们的信仰和价值观.

Prepping for 幼儿园

我们是一所学前班到12年级的学校,我们最小的学生住在我们专门的幼儿园和小学校园里. 幼儿园教师与幼儿园教师合作,确保学生为幼儿园课堂的结构化环境做好准备. With kindergarten just down the hall, 你nger students are able to see 和 interact with their older peers, helping to make the transition to kindergarten a little less intimidating!


It’s vital for learners to feel safe, known, 和 valued at school. We hire 老师 who affirm their faith 和 live out their Christian values; parents can rest assured that 工作人员 are teaching the same lessons parents are at home. All Eastern Christian School employees undergo background checks, all 老师 are certified in CPR, 和 we have a dedicated Director of Student Safety on 工作人员. All classrooms are equipped with bathrooms.  我们的 Director of Security 和 Operations, who is a retired police officer, ensures our facilities are state of the art 和 safe, creating space for learning to thrive. 我们还提供全职护士和兼职辅导员来支持身体健康, 社会, 和 emotional needs of students.




B.A. 基础教育,辅修英语,辅修社会研究,团体计划教学辅修


“I love sharing God’s Word with my students. 这是一个影响下一代基督教思想家的绝佳机会, 艺术家, 医生, 老师, 工程师等! Teaching is how I use my gifts to glorify my Heavenly Father. I strive to imitate Christ, since I know my 你ng learners will imitate me! 在幼儿园教学中,我最喜欢的事情就是体验我们最小的学生的快乐和惊奇. They are in awe of our Creator 和 the world He has 创建d. 他们喜欢学习, 构建, 创建, 油漆, color, 移动, 和玩耍 with joyful ab和on, 和 I get to experience it with them!”


Schedule a tour of our 米德兰公园, 新泽西, 校园,亲眼看到为什么家庭选择我们的私人基督教幼儿园为他们的儿子和女儿.


Preview our preschool experience by watching this short video.